
Monday, April 1, 2013

My Three Rules for Lifting

Okay, so they’re not really MY rules.

Between celebrating Easter with my family, being home for the first time in three months, and planning new things for April, I have been busy. So I asked my friend Dave from Be Relentless 24/7 to do a guest post.

Dave received his Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Wellness Management and is currently working as a trainer with Impact Sports Performance. He recently became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Be sure to check out his blog and tap into his wealth of information and advice.


clip_image002For some folks getting to the gym and working out can be a journey of epic proportions. Like that of Frodo and Sam trying to destroy the one ring by throwing it in the fires of Mount Doom - But once you’re there you realize that was only half the battle. You know these machines, contraptions, and objects are supposed to get you healthier but you have no idea where to begin; not to mention they look like something that Saruman used to make his Urik Hai –Sorry I kind of like Lord of the Rings.

For other people – you know these machines will get you healthier, but your results have stalled… It becomes hard for you to get back to the gym, and the once good habit has all but been deflated faster than balloon being played with by a porcupine.

Well no matter you’re exercise experience; beginner, intermediate, advanced, etc. it’s always important to go back to the fundamentals. And well, I put the “fun” in fundamentals. Maybe the “mental”… but in any case I’m going to present my three rules for lifting, and these apply to EVERYONE.

Disclaimer; I have a fourth rule, but it’s all encompassing for any exercising, and that is get mobile, but that is a whole other post in its own

Rule number 1We do not talk about fightSorry losing my train of thought… My first rule is master bodyweight exercises first. I’ve worked with clients ranging from people wanting to lose 60lbs to Professional level athletes and they all have one thing in common – they’re body is their greatest tool. So when it comes to lifting I tell people to avoid the free weights until they can do 10 good looking pushups (perfect will come later), 10 body weight squats, 1 pull up, and hold a plank for at least 15seconds. This will help prepare you to truly achieve the physique, and health you want. Even help reduce your risk of injury by lifting.

Rule number 2 Learn good technique. So you’ve mastered your body weight, and you finally have the bravery to ignore the meat head doing countless bicep curls and want to start moving weight. Well clip_image004now you will learn proper technique: I will never let anyone lift if I feel they’re going to hurt themselves. I’d rather you have perfect technique before hurting yourself any day. Good technique will actually get you stronger faster, and ensure a life time of lifting heavy. It takes time at first, and at first learning good technique can actually be a workout in itself. But once you get the hang of it you’re finally ready Daniel San – Karate Kid anyone? -

Rule number 3Get strong! No matter what your goals are you must eventually get strong in order to achieve said goals. Bottom line; don’t be scared to pick up heavy stuff - with good technique of course. But in my mind, at the end of the day strength is the oldest and truest mark of fitness. You want to be a faster cross country runner? Get strong. Want to get a better physique? Get strong. Getting stronger may be your ultimate goal, or it may be a supplement to your ultimate goal, but regardless it should be involved in any exercise program.

There you have it, follow these three rules, and you’ll be well on your way towards being a fitter, healthier, and more awesome you.


Until next time, be relentless, and never settle


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